Following a consultation with the local community, we have submitted a full planning application to bring a fourth phase of our high-quality new homes to Edgehill Park in Whitehaven.
Our proposals for 109 homes include a variety of two to five-bedroom homes from the Story Collection, offering flexible, open plan living spaces. It also includes a selection of affordable homes for those eligible and with a connection to the local area.
Senior Land & Planning Manager, Adam McNally, said: “Following the successful public consultation with local residents and the Town Council, we have submitted a full planning application to Copeland Borough Council. The scheme has been carefully designed to provide an appropriate extension to the urban environment with attractive new street scenes and connected open spaces. We anticipate a decision in early 2023, with a view to start on site in early Spring 2023 should our proposals be successful.
“The first phases of Edgehill Park proved popular with our customers and demand for our homes continues to be high. This fourth phase will enable us to bring more of our high-quality homes to the local area and help to meet local demand for housing.”
There will be benefits to the local economy during the construction phase as a result of direct and indirect employment opportunities through the sub-contractor and supply chains, as well as an increased demand for local services when the new homes are occupied.