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New development, Beaumont Grange in Beaumont Hill, Darlington, is launching

February 2024

We’re excited to announce that our brand-new development in Beaumont Hill, Beaumont Grange, is launching on Saturday 24 February.

Join us on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February, 11:00am to 5.00pm, at our marketing suite to be one of the first to reserve a new Story home with a specification that’s anything but standard.

The first release of 3, 4 & 5-bedroom homes is now available to view on our development page here, and you’ll be able to reserve one of these homes at the launch event. You can either book an appointment to guarantee a place or pop along on the day. If you’d like to book, please call our sales team on 07719 556089 or email

Situated in Beaumont Hill on the outskirts of Darlington, our new homes at Beaumont Grange are designed for modern living and built to last. Our high-quality specification includes so much more than you’d expect, with designer kitchens, bi-fold doors, waterfall showers, and fully turfed gardens with fences and paved patios, all as standard.