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Customer spotlight: Inside the Greenwich

February 2021

There’s nothing we love more than seeing how our customers have styled their Story home. A spacious blank canvas turns into a family home with the character of the owners splashed throughout and rooms styled to suit their lifestyle.

You asked us for inspiration of how to style the Greenwich, one of our favourite 4-bedroom homes. What better way to showcase this home than to share some pictures from The Alexanders, who live in a Greenwich and have an Instagram account dedicated to their beautiful home.

Here’s some of our favourite snaps from their account…

The exterior

It’s not just the inside of the Greenwich that is beautiful, the exterior is so eye catching and the symmetry is very aesthetically pleasing too.

The kitchen, breakfast area

We love how The Alexanders have styled this open plan space, the pin legged dining table fits the room so well.

The lounge

Adding their own personal touch, The Alexanders had a wood burner and some beautiful floor tiles fitted into their lounge – we love how cosy it makes it feel.

Home office

Making use of the dining room as a home office, nothing has been missed – including a giant cat tree for their furry children!


Tile envy. How beautiful is this bathroom, we’re enjoying the wall slogan too!

You can see all of The Alexanders photos over on their Instagram account, @_thealexanders_, and we have the Greenwich available at Fallows Park if this looks like the perfect home for you.