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Customer case study: The Cooper

February 2024

Christina and Grahame were ready to peacefully retire in their new 3-bedroom Cooper at D’Urton Manor surrounded by green scenery and open space. They secured their dream home in June 2023.


Read our Q&A to find out more or go straight to our guide about The Cooper.

What made you choose D’Urton Manor?

“Over the past two years, we have been looking at new build developments. A few friends had downsized, as we were looking to do so. After looking at other builders we were not impressed and decided against a new build even though in theory we were attracted to the idea of a fresh new home.

“We passed the Story Homes development often, and liked the look of the development. It was the perfect walking distance to our friends and family. The Cooper came up and we liked the sense of openness of the development and the green areas in-between the homes.

“We liked the hedging and planting around the houses. We also saw that the houses were also solidly built and well designed.”


Why did you choose The Cooper?

“It is PERFECT. It is detached but not too big. It looks like a traditional cottage and therefore feels like it has some character already. We’ve downsized from a 4-storey Victorian terrace with tall ceilings but we can still fit some of our favourite pieces of furniture in The Cooper.

“The layout is symmetrical, and feels spacious because there are so many windows around the property. We feel every bit of space is well utilised.”


What do you like most about living in a new build?

“Probably the space, the energy efficiency and how low maintenance they are. As the development has grown and more people have moved in, it is really nice. We share and connect with everyone as we have common experiences to compare.”

What do you love most about The Cooper?

“What we love most is how spaciously cosy and characterful it is.”

Which room do you find yourselves spending the most time in?

“Probably the kitchen diner as it is south facing, overlooking the patio/garden. I’ve spent hours planning and designing it.”

Why did you chose Story Homes?

“We looked around, but didn’t consider other builders. We chose Story Homes for the quality design and location.”

Have you recommended Story Homes to anyone?

“Yes, many times!”