Story Homes have now submitted plans for new homes on land adjacent to Moor Road in Stainburn.
We are seeking planning permission for 25 homes with the associated infrastructure. The homes would be on land next to our development Cairns Chase and would be accessed through the main entrance off Moor Road.
The homes would bring a number of benefits to the local area, and would make an important contribution to the local housing supply. The application includes a wide mix of family homes, of which 5 will be classed as affordable homes. These will be for local people at affordable rent and for sale at a discount from market rates.
Adam McNally, Development Planner for Story Homes said: “We believe our proposals will complete the Cairns Chase development and add to the much needed quality new homes to the area. Of which 20% shall be affordable housing people with a local connection”
Should the planning application be successful, we would look to start on site in the summer of 2017.
For further information or to register your interest in this development, please visit the planning pages of the Story Homes website.