Plans have been submitted for a development of new homes on land at Brook Farm in Dowbridge, Kirkham, following public consultation in October 2017.
Working in partnership with Hollins Strategic Land, we are seeking reserved matters planning for 170 new high quality homes on the site with associated infrastructure, following the outline planning consent granted earlier this year. We are proposing a development of one, two, three, four and five-bedroom homes, of those, 30% will be affordable homes, which will help the local authority meet its housing target.
Our proposals would create a sustainable and integrated development that would make an important contribution to the district’s housing supply.
As part of the development, we will contribute over £1 million for the provision of local school places, £15,000 towards pedestrian and cycle improvements at Kirkham and Wesham train station and £170,000 towards public transport improvements in the local area.
The scheme will have benefits for the local economy during the construction phase as a result of direct and indirect employment opportunities through the sub-contractor and supply chains, as well as an increased demand for local services when the new houses are occupied.
Development planner Martin Nugent said: “We are seeking reserved matters planning consent for a new development of 170 homes on land at Brook Farm in Dowbridge. This follows outline planning being granted earlier this year and a further public consultation in October 2017 with the local community.
“We are renowned for designing high quality homes throughout the North West and for our striking street scenes on our developments. In the design of our proposal we have paid careful attention to the local area’s different forms of development, architecture, appearance and material and these will be highly visible when travelling around the development creating a unique sense of space. Wherever possible, we will use local materials on the properties and elsewhere on the site too.”
We will use local sub contractors and suppliers where possible, delivering economic benefits and job creation back into the local area.
A decision on the reserved matters planning application is expected in Spring 2017.