Story Homes will consult with the public on Wednesday 14 September on proposed plans to build new homes on land at Greymoorhill, Carlisle.
Our proposals would create a sustainable and integrated development that would make an important contribution to the districts housing supply.
The land has been put forward by the local authority as a preferred option site for housing allocation in the new local plan for the city. Carlisle City Council plan to deliver up to 650 housing new homes per year, with 70% within Carlisle, to help meet rising demand for homes. The proposed development would deliver a mix of dwellings and some of these new homes are likely to be affordable.
We are preparing a reserved matters application, as Carlisle City Council has already resolved to grant outline planning for our proposals to build high quality new homes on this site, subject to the completion of a legal agreement.
Story Homes Planner, Adam McNally said: “This consultation event is an opportunity for residents from the local area to understand the proposals and come forward with comments to help inform the final plans for the development.
“Story Homes builds beautifully finished, high quality and high specification homes which are built using local materials and labour where possible and will create a community which will integrate well within this area of Carlisle.”
The public consultation will take place on Wednesday 14 September between 4.00pm and 7.00pm at James Rennie School.