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Greener Communities

We are committed to building green communities that not only look beautiful, but are sustainable for generations to come. Our homes could save customers money and also help the environment – a new build property is greener and more economical to run than an older property as it uses less energy and produces significantly lower CO2 emissions.



100% of all lights that are fitted internally in our homes are energy efficient

Sustainably sourced timber

Sustainably sourced timber

Is used throughout the build of our homes. The National Timber Systems brochure we use states that all products have full traceability under their certifications through the Forest Stewardship Council and Sustainable Forest Management.



Specific sanitaryware and fittings have been selected for our homes for their efficient water use, including dual flush toilets and flow restrictors



Cavity walls are insulated using a recycled glass insulating material with an A+ Generic BRE Green Guide rating, and has Zero Ozone Depletion Potential and Zero Global Warming Potential



We are committed to maintaining the favourable conservation status of protected species and to maintaining and enhancing the biodiversity value of the areas in which we build

Green open space

Green open space

Landscaping, tree planting, shrubs and sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) are incorporated into our development open spaces endeavouring to encourage local habitats

Part L compliance

Part L compliance

Building Regulations Part L covers the conservation of fuel and power in the building of new homes, and establishes how energy-efficient new homes should be. All of our homes are compliant with Part L regulations.



100% of electricity provided to our new homes is renewable backed by REGO certificates. The Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) scheme provides transparency to consumers about the proportion of electricity that suppliers source from renewable electricity.